These are the notes from the Kumeu Community Action public meeting at Huapai District School on 20 June, 3-5pm. The meeting included reporting from 5 Rodney Local Board members, with 2 more board members in the audience and Ward Councillor Greg Sayers in attendance.These are the notes from the meeting, kindly taken by committee member Laila Alkamil.Here is the link to the PDF that was used at the meeting.…/1lXAxDVogqdbzsN0…/view…Phelan Pirrie (Chair)How the Local Board works:9 Board MembersRodney makes up approx. 48% of Auckland’s land mass – but a much smaller populationAuckland Council operates on a co-governance model (Council Controlled Organisations such as AT and Watercare have their own governance, budget, etc)Local Boards make decision on local matters such as:Parks and community facilities Local Board PlansAnnual BudgetsTown CentresLocal Boards communicate the views of the community to the governing body (Auckland Council)Local Boards do not have decision-making powers on transport budgets, regional facilities or State Highways Councillors have decision-making powers on:10 Year BudgetsSetting of rates/bylawsStrategy developmentGovernance of Council-Controlled Organisations Next two years, the Local Board will be:Developing 3 new parks in Riverhead and KumeuInvestigation into a skating facility in Huapai Continuing work on the Huapai Hub projectConstructing new footpathsAn announcement on the park and ride.Kumeu Bypass:This is a joint project between NZTA, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport (does not involve the Local Board)The bypass is not funded in the Regional Land Transport PlanFuture planning:Structure plan will be developed in 2025 and will invovle extensive consultationSH16 Improvements:$160 million allocated between Brigham Creek to Waimauku Stage 1 was started but has stalled due to private landowner negotiations Vicki Kenny (Board member)Responsible for town centre upgrades to Helensville (tree planting) – currently working with business owners and iwiBrent Bailey (Board member)Responsible for developing and implementing the 2017 Kumeu Town Centre PlanInvolves looking how the town centre could be orientated towards the river and building riparian marginsRe-zoning of land to Future Urban around the town centre to allow businesses to relocate as part of these upgradesDanielle Hancock (Board member)Local Boards can comment on resource consent applications on behalf of communities (particularly larger projects – i.e Dome Valley Landfill)Funding has been allocated to pest-free groups as well as providing a pest-free regional coordinator for West Auckland. Anyone with questions on how to access funding should contact Danielle (contact details on Auckland Council website)Beth Houlbrooke (Deputy Chair)Top 3 advisory points for the Local Board this term:Improving the standard of road maintenance Improving the system of unsealed roadsDevelopment of the Huapai Indoor Sports Facility (looking at a range of options, including Public Private Partnerships)Local Board has also been involved in assisting farmers with replanting riparian margins to improve water quality in RodneyInterested to hear from any community group in Kumeu that is looking for help with projectsGrey Sayers (Councillor for Rodney)Fletchers is sitting on land in Taupaki – Fletcher’s preference is that it will be developed into an in-land port, but if not will be residential (through a plan change).Questions:Cottle’s Corner – when will works start?Work is ready to commence but internet cables need to removed – this has delayed the project.If we don’t have the infrastructure, why is development still occurring?Resource consents and subdivisions are separate from State Highway 16 improvements. Special Housing Areas were decided by Central Government, not the Local Board.Are there any updates on planned road maintenance?Budgets are meant to be approved shortly and will be used to rehabilitate roads with high traffic volumes (i.e. Old North Rd)