Greg Sayers (Rodney Ward Councillor) has initiated an online feedback survey to collect opinions on the government’s proposed “Three Waters Reform Programme”. This affects you. The survey is Auckland focused and results will be presented to the Mayor of Auckland.…Completion time is about 5 minutes. SOME HELPFUL BACKGROUND:The government is proposing to radically change Auckland Council’s ownership of its drinking, wastsewater and storm water services (called the ‘three waters’).The reform proposes amalgamating all of Auckland’s water services with the Far North District Council, Whangarei District Council as well as the Kaipara District Council (ie: all of Northland) to create a new regional corporation which will take over running all of the water services. Currently Auckland owns and operates its water services separately from other councils. An Auckland Council controlled organisation ‘Watercare’ supplies all of Aucklands drinking and wastewater/sewage systems.Auckland Council itself provides all the storm water services through the department ‘Healthy Waters’.Roughly 85% of Auckland’s households are connected to the Watercare networks, and 15% are water tank users. The government has given Auckland two choices (only);1. To “opt-in” and join the government’s proposed new Northland corporation, or 2. To “opt-out” and refuse the proposal.At the government’s direction, public consultation with Aucklanders is not currently being sought, but Auckland Council is still being asked if it wishes to “opt in” or “opt-out”.This unofficial survey is your chance to have your say. The results will be given to the Mayor of Auckland to help inform him of your opinion. WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT WANTING CHANGES? The government is saying there is a need to address historical underinvestment in the three waters across all of New Zealand.As the population of New Zealand grows the government believes not all Council’s can guarantee safe, reliable and affordable water services.The proposal is to amalgamate the water services of 67 local authorities (Councils) across the country into four new regional corporations, each with its own centralized management and governance structures. Auckland will be part of a newly formed ‘Northern corporation’.A helpful government website for more information is: