Kumeu Community Action Committee members met online with Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and representatives from related transport organisations to get an update on progress and planning. Stage one of the SH16 upgrade (Huapai-Waimauku was stalled by an individual owner’s legal challenge in 2021 but this case is coming to an end. It is planned that the process of engaging a contractor to start the work will happen early in 2022.Stage 2 of SH16’s upgrade is still in the design phase with drilling work having been done. There is a 2-3 yr delivery timeline. Changes to GPS (Government Policy Statement on land transport) has meant changes needed to be made to incorporate new elements to the design. eg cycleways. There will be 4 lanes to the Taupaki roundabout from the end of the motorway. A new roundabout at SH16 and Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, although traffic will be unable to turn right from CRH as a safety measure in the interim. Kumeu Community action has advocated for dynamic lanes for the Taupaki roundabout to Kumeu section of highway. Dynamic lanes would allow 2 lanes of traffic leaving Kumeu in the mornings and then changing to 2 returning in the evening. Waka Kotahi gave a range of reasons why they were not in favour of this. They included, another change would increase the time and costs further and they are already needing to find more money for the current planned improvements. Crossing two lanes of traffic from driveways is extremely dangerous and the speed would need to drop to 50km to make it safe as it is on Whangaparaoa Rd.More discussion from the meeting regarding transport planning will be posted soon.
Kumeu Community Action Committee members met online with Waka Kotahi (NZTA)