This is the full Ministry of Education statement regarding a local secondary school in the NW. It was sourced by Olga Sakey, Kumeu Community Action (Committee member responsible for educational issues) a few weeks ago and published in the Kumeu Courier’s current issue. Page 4.“The Kumeū-Huapai-Riverhead area is in the Massey Hobsonville Kaipara catchment and has been identified as an area of significant future growth. Once all developments are complete, there will be an additional 7,800 dwellings across the Kumeū-Huapai-Riverhead area and the National Education Growth Plan (NEGP) signalled the need for a new secondary school in the area to cater for the projected growth.We are planning for a new secondary school to open in the Kumeū-Huapai area between 2026 and 2030, subject to budget approval, to meet forecast growth and demand. The projected opening roll is 1,500 student places increasing to a masterplan roll of 2,500. A preliminary assessment of suitable land options in the area for the new school has been completed and we are progressing a number of these to the next phase of investigations using the Ministry’s site evaluation methodology. Pending land availability and funding approvals, the Ministry is working to purchase a new site in the 2022/23 Financial Year.Once a site is acquired, we will be seeking the Minister’s approval to commence the formal establishment process.

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