It is VERY IMPORTANT you HAVE YOUR SAY on the Future Development Strategy for Auckland.…

You may have seen large scale urban development companies launching major campaigns in opposition to the changes for Huapai and Riverhead and other areas across Auckland. Don’t just listen to them as they have vested interests in their opposition.

Read through the document and make your own mind up about the effects of more urban development in our area.


“Future urban areas proposed for removal, either partially or


-Kumeū-Huapai-Riverhead (in part)

Kumeū-Huapai-Riverhead is recommended to be partially removed due to parts of the FUA, not being suitable for development. The reasons for this partial removal are:

• Significant hazard constraints, including approximately 30% of FUA covered by a 1% annual exceedance probability (1% AEP) flood plain. Portions of the Kumeū-HuapaiRiverhead FUA proposed for removal are parcels entirely or mostly within this floodplain extent and have few appropriate land uses.

• Potential for higher VKT and CO2 emissions than other FUAs due to Kumeū-HuapaiRiverhead FUA being relatively distant from high quality existing or planned public transport, a wide range of jobs, education and other services compared to other FUAs.”

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